The human body and human life is designed in such a way that exercising is part and parcel of our daily activities. Almost every aspect of daily dealings and engagements sets the body in some form of exercising. Irrespective of age or gender, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are prone to serious health complications, some of which may be fatal if urgent interventions are not put in place. Think of doing household chores like washing, mopping, cooking, ironing, or simply organizing the house – and I didn’t say sitting down on the sofa to watch television – all these activities engage the body and the mind, bringing about proven health benefits.
It would go without saying, that persons who engage in physical activities, the form and frequency notwithstanding, generally have reduced the risk for certain diseases like high blood pressure, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, certain forms of cancer like breast cancer, as well as depression.
Middle-age women in their 30s, early 40s, and all the way to the late 50s, are in the bracket whose ovaries stop the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones, a stage that is characterized by bidding the productive years good-bye. Then there are no more periods and no more child-bearing.
Unfortunately, this transition stage does not happen overnight and life continues. As it were, there are many menopause signs a woman experiences around this time, but which may surface briefly or be prolonged, and which may differ in severity. The symptoms, over 30 in number, may include hot flushes, night sweats, loss of libido, heavy and irregular periods, vaginal dryness and pain, irritability, itchy skin, mood swings, gaining of weight, fatigue, loss of hair, thinning, memory lapses and lack of concentration, sleep disorders, urine incontinence, anxiety and depression.
For each of these signs, there are numerous menopause treatments which can be considered by women. Even so, you don’t have to seek medical treatments all the time, unless of course the symptoms persist over a long period of time, usually for more than 6 months without responding to lifestyle changes and alternative treatments.
Is it possible that perhaps the reason your symptoms are worsening is for a lack of exercises? Perhaps in answering this question, we take a look at the benefits of exercising during menopause, in relation to specific or general symptoms of menopause. Let us take a look.
one of the sure ways in which you can keep your bones strong and during menopause is by engaging in exercise. To ward off osteoporosis, simply taking a walk for a few minutes for about 30 minutes on a daily basis would be a stride in the right direction.
To help arm joints become or remain strong, you can consider other forms of weight-bearing exercises.
Fatigue & Weight gain
Although women generally tend to put on weight with age, there are additional pounds that seem to come with menopause, because of the many hormonal changes taking place in the body. While cutting down on consumption of alcohol and certain types of foods (like meat) may help in reducing on weight gain, there is no immediate guarantee that addictive behaviors like drinking and smoking can be overcome on the spot or even over time. However, taking part in physical activities has been proven to be a sure way of using stored fats in the body and, therefore, lowering cholesterol levels. This way, you can spare yourself the trouble of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases and cancers, conditions that can worsen with menopause – especially without activity. Further, by watching your weight you will maintain your desired physical image, hence your self-confidence.
Irritation, mood swings and sleep disorders
These symptoms of menopause are closely related, and menopausal women can easily overcome them by taking part in low-impact exercises like yoga, swimming and walking. What happens is that these will either be physically drained or boost
These symptoms of menopause are closely related, and menopausal women can easily overcome them by taking part in low-impact exercises like yoga, swimming and walking. What happens is that these will either be physically drained or boost flow of blood in a way that will deepen your sleep, sparing you the irritation that comes with hot flushes and night sweats. In the end, you will rise from your bed with better moods to face the activities that await you from day to day.
Stress and anxiety
One would agree that all the symptoms of menopause have a huge negative impact on your mind. To fight off stress levels, you are better off engaging in physical activities. Otherwise, stress can be fatal or otherwise generate suicidal thoughts.
There are many studies that have shown stress and anxiety can be reduced through yoga, which entails controlling your breathing pattern, coupled with deep relaxation and meditation.
The various forms of exercises described above are not only cheap, affordable, and convenient, but also full of fan. If you can’t prescribe for yourself the appropriate types of exercises, your doctor can help you with that. Whatever it takes, be sure you are keeping fit by exercising – which may not only prevent but also stop the symptoms of menopause from worsening. Develop a plan you can stick to, for about 3 or 5 days a week, for not less than half an hour a day.