Top 4 Most Annoying Insects, Mosquitoes that cause Zika are among them

Top 4 Most Annoying Insects, Mosquitoes that cause Zika are among them Clapway

I often wonder why God decided to make the annoying insects that never seem to leave us alone. Nobody in the world likes these disgusting creatures, and most of the time they are more annoying than anything. Even though you could make a case that every insect in the world is annoying, here are the ones that fit the bill the most. This is, of course, headlined by those bottom feeding mosquitoes that cause Zika.

Top 4 Most Annoying Insects, Mosquitoes that cause Zika are among them Clapway


Flies are annoying enough, but horse flies take it to another level. For the people who have encountered them and tried to swat them away, you know they constantly keep coming back. However, the female ones also spend their time sucking your blood for their offspring. I think the world would be perfectly fine without these bastards.


I think that earwigs win the award for the most horrifying name of any insect. No, they don’t actually crawl into your ear and hatch eggs in your brain, but that doesn’t mean they are a welcome site. These small winged, and yes they do have wings, creatures come out at night, and they hide from you in the day.


Honey bees are never to big of an issue, but wasps are a different story. Unlike honey bees that will sting you once and die, these inhumane beasts will not stop stinging until you die. Not only that but every time one stings you they will release a pheromone that will alert the rest of the hive to attack. In a matter of moments, you could be dealing with a hundred wasps ready to take you down.


The mosquitoes I am alluding to are the Aedes species that will spread the Zika virus. The virus will cause mild symptoms, but that doesn’t make getting the Zika virus less annoying. Outside if that, though, they are just plain annoying because all they do is suck your blood.