T-Mobile and Youtube: Happy Together

T-Mobile and Youtube: Happy Together Clapway

Unlike my personal hobbies and my moral obligation to society, T-Mobile and Youtube are joyously happy together. You’re probably thinking what business those two have in joining forces? Frankly, it’s the same thing that brings many businesses together; the willingness to make the world a better place. Sorry, I spelled “money” wrong.


Remember when Catherine Zeta-Jones was the spokesperson for T-Moblie? She was arguably the best part of that company until they went under. What’s that you tell me? T-Mobile still exists? Interesting. Well, that’s news to me. Apparently, they have this thing called a Binge On plan. Basically, it’s allows streaming from other services without it counting against the data of users. YouTube, a major player in the online video market, has wisely jumped right on this opportunity.


Google, which owns Youtube, has some strong concerns regarding T-Mobile and Binge On. According to them, T-Mobile downgrades their video to a prehistoric 480p resolution. Just to clarify, Binge On does this with all their videos, not just with their partners. Well, T-Mobile got the message. As they should, considering a healthy relationship with Google and YouTube would only help rake in the bills. Binge On now gives users and services the option to opt out of the quality downgrade. How generous of them. We should all be on our knees in praise. I forgot to mention that service will not be free, but, at least, the power of choice is restored.


Another big change in Binge On is that it allows content providers to optimize themselves. Seeing as Youtube is the first partner of which to get this benefit, users will now be constrained by their tweaks. This whole deal is starting to look worse and worse for users, but at least, the two companies are making some profit from it. For that reason, yes they are certainly happy together. As happy together as my drunk uncle and his stash of Tullamore Dew. Together, they form a universe of elation. If only that universe didn’t destroy everyone around it. In other news, what’s Catherine Zeta-Jones doing these days?