Do you look old for your age? You can thank your parents for that. According to a new study, researchers say that genes may be to blame for how young or old you look. All hope is not lost, though. If you happen to be a smelly, wrinkly product of bad genes, an unlikely drug can help improve your skin. Marijuana may just be the key to eternal youthfulness. Don’t go buying up all the drugs in town, though, heroin and cocaine have the opposite effect.
Forget the fact that you were careless with sunscreen as a kid, didn’t follow a healthy diet or smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day. That may not be the reason for that decrepit, leathery, wrinkled, sad excuse for a face you wear every day. It actually may be due to unfortunate genes. There are certain varieties of the MC1R gene that can add as much as two years to a face say researchers from Current Biology. MC1R is frustrating because it affects some strange parts of the face that add to age. Traits like lip height or creases around the nose and corners of the mouth all help to add a few years. Essentially, this is Satan’s gene. MC1R is the same gene responsible for red hair and freckles. Sometimes, the best way to fight sin is more sin.
Rejoice old looking delinquents! That drug you use every day may actually help skin look younger. Don’t reach for the bong yet there, apparently, it won’t work by smoking it. Smoking weed has a negative effect on the skin, much like cigarettes. This would counter marijuana’s anti-ageing qualities, so to get the most of it, a different approach must be taken. Vaporizer, for example, heat marijuana at a low temperature, eliminating many harmful products from being burned. Another method is topical marijuana. While this may not get you high, it’s the best way to get the positive skin enhancements without the potential damage. If this drug has benefits like this, surely heroin and cocaine can offer something, right?
Sorry to bring anyone down, but it turns out that cocaine and heroin still have no positive effects, especially when it comes to physical appearance. Just check out any before and after pictures of drug users online. One doesn’t have to be a genius to see the differences. Cocaine and heroin will speed up your aging as well as wreak havoc on your appearance. It may help you feel younger, but if you really want to look younger, forego that heroin and cocaine and smoke up with the good green stuff.