Youtube Makes Fun of Yahoo

Youtube Makes Fun of Yahoo Clapway

The failing company Yahoo usually makes fun of itself without any effort, but a little help can sometimes go a long way. Help this time came in the form of one funny YouTube video.


It’s long been an internet joke that if you want a question answered seriously, never go to Yahoo Answers. The site has become a cesspool of trolls, ignorance and arm chair intellects who usually wind up doing more harm than good for the world. It’s both sad and entertaining and James Adeosun agrees. The YouTube user has taken the effort to make a compilation video of the dumbest answers ever. Now, to be fair, some of these dumb answers are the result of even dumber questions. Either way, hope for humanity is dwindling.


Yes, that was a serious question on Yahoo. This could easily be a troll attempt, but considering the amount of idiocracy out there in the world, it can be hard to tell at times. For example, one part of the YouTube video highlighted the question “why do crocodiles walk so gayly?” These are the pressing questions society needs answers to. Forget about conflicts of immigration, the middle east or scientific discoveries. We need to know how Batman was born if his parents are dead. Yes, that was a real question that shouldn’t be worthy of  an answer, but of course, someone answered it. They say any press is good press, but this YouTube video doesn’t exactly help the reputation of the already sinking company that is Yahoo.


While this YouTube compilation was just a light-hearted jab, the idiocracy of it all is somewhat symbolic of Yahoo’s demise. They are slowly but surely sinking deep into the depths of non-existence and it’s an ugly process. Even the Titanic sank with more grace than this company. The latest iceberg to hit them was the loss of AT&T’s contract the other day. This relationship was 15 years in the works and now will result in $100 million less in revenue. How the website is still afloat is a miracle in itself, but odds are it won’t last much longer.