YouTube and Google may live under the same roof, but that doesn’t mean either is immune from a little sibling harassment. A recent video on the popular video sharing site pokes fun at Gmail’s soft spot.
Gmail may be adored by the whole world over, but just like anyone, it has its fair share of flaws. One YouTube video has made it a point to expose these flaws. Apparently, it’s easier to hack into a Gmail account than one may think. Now, just because this YouTube video gives one the power to hack a Gmail account, that doesn’t necessarily make it legal, so tread lightly. You never knew if this could backfire and suddenly, all your information is up for sale in the Russian underworld.
With the hype surrounding the Panama Paper, it seems that cyber attacks are on everybody’s mind. It may seem like you are safe from them but just look at that YouTube video. It’s all too easy to hack into something like Gmail so imagine what a professional could do. Oddly enough, a study says that a survey of 1,000 global, non-IT companies showed that 50 percent of home had not insurance plans for cyber attacks what so ever. This leaves them wide open to data loss and al kinds of cyber attacks. If you want to avoid the inevitable decay that these companies will eventually face, then it’s best to learn some self-defence.
Just as YouTube can teach one to hack, the internet can also help you defend against it. Just a simple Google search will bring up a wealth of information on self-defense. For one, whether you are a small business or individual, enforcing strict password policies is key to protection. For example, using your last name as a password is not the way to go. Use long, complex and difficult combinations of letters and numbers to beef up strength. Additionally, it helps to keep firmware updated, patch firewall and changing the Wi-Fi router password immediately upon purchasing it. It may seem like a big effort, but unless you want your nudes posted to the world, a little work can go a long way.