NASA Sending Astronauts to Meet Aliens on Jupiter Moon

NASA Sending Astronauts to Meet Aliens on Jupiter Moon Clapway

The search for viable planets and moons for NASA to colonize may be narrowed to one. The Jupiter moon Europa may be next on the mission list for NASA astronauts. Leaving Mars out in the cold. Recent research from NASA scientists could have found the life-sustaining evidence they need. And it waits on Europa. Or at least under its icy surface. The study is encouraging. Since scientists now believe that the Jupiter moon ocean has enough energy to support life. If so, will NASA astronauts find aliens on the Jupiter moon?

NASA Europa Study

The research led by NASA’s Pasadena Lab was published last week. It has uncovered the secrets that aliens may have known all along. The Jupiter moon has 10 times more oxygen than hydrogen. Europa is similar to Earth. This has led the NASA researchers to believe that life could be supported in the salty ocean beneath Europa’s icy crust. The ebb and flow of seawater hitting rock is the catalyst. Allowing for the oxygen to hydrogen ratio to exist. Does this mean astronauts will be headed for Europa soon?

Astronauts to the Jupiter Moon

Traditionally, NASA and other scientists have thought Europa was just another volcanic hell. Similar to another Jupiter moon called Lo. The discovery of life could be around the corner for Europa. This will lead to future rover missions. And possibly astronauts deep space driving their hearts out. Maybe there is a PADI cert for that. What will astronauts find? Maybe aliens of the water variety are waiting to be discovered. Like the movie Abyss. A watery blob may rise from the crust to greet astronauts. Or not.

Aliens Offer Medical Tech

If aliens do in fact exist, they are probably not what most people imagine. They may simply be Europa water organisms. Organisms that have a similar makeup to those here on Earth. There are some pretty creepy aliens lurking in our underwater cave systems. Easily found right here on our very own planet. There is no need to venture to Europa to find more creepy aliens. However, the aliens on Europa could have some bacterial significance. Scientists are running out of places to look for medical advancements. And new forms of organisms may be the answer. Could it be possible that aliens will unlock those secrets?