Kids are on drugs and are fascinated by fat women. Ok, well that may be a slight exaggeration but based off of this Youtube video, children sure seem to have a unique way of expressing themselves with an Apple iPad Pro.
At first, this seemingly innocent YouTube video seems like a nice slide show celebrating the minds of creative youth. Using an Apple iPad Pro, these kids drew to their hearts content and the results are quite impressive. As the slideshow carries on, however, some weird patterns emerge. First off, these children seem to have a strange obsession with obese women. For reasons unexplained, multiple variations on fat women show up on these drawings. YouTube offers no other explanation besides the weird electronic music playing in the-the background. Looking deeper past the art, these iPad drawings might be the key to understanding the future of the youth.
Many millennials, while quite comfortable with all forms of technology, did not grow up like the youth of today. It’s not uncommon to see a 5-year-old playing with an iPad or a 10-year-old carrying around a new Macbook Air. These children have grown up with Apple products and judging by this YouTube video, it has had an interesting effect on them. Not only do they seem proficient in iPad drawings, but they seem to have a unique form of creativity. Fat women aside, a good deal of these drawings could fall under quality abstract art. They are far too young to be on drugs (hopefully) so what’s the cause of this advanced creativity?
It would be nice to learn that his Youtube video is a result of advanced child creativity inspired by the wonders of Apple technology but one study offers a new solution. According to a recent survey, parents nee to bribe their children in order to get them to read at bedtime. Teachers are also offering incentives such as drawing or painting in exchange for extra reading time. The aforementioned display of Apple drawings may have been a product of this bribing method. For the time being, it seems that kids are not, in fact, getting more, creative. They are just really good at working the system.