The debate over how awesome the new iPhone 7 will be has taken over any Apple discussion. True iPhone enthusiasts will be compelled to buy the 7 regardless of features. Apple naysayers, however, will maybe forego the long lines on launch day and simply wait for the iPhone 8 to arrive. If you are thinking of holding out until Apple releases the 8, you may find new mods for your 6S and 6S Plus a fun way to spice up your tech life. A new YouTube video by EverythingApplePro shows 6S and 6S Plus users how to make their Apple logo glow. Will this be your next mod instead of purchasing the debated 7? Before deciding, you should be aware of some very important details.
Possibly More Popular than the iPhone 7
The 6S and 6S Plus glow was shared by EerythingApplePro, a YouTube channel with nearly two million subscribers. The video alone has over a half million views, so you may see more glowing Apples than actual next generation 7 models around.
The Glow is Not Too Overpowering
The glow is not blinding bright, but more subtle and clean. If you think the glow will replace the smartphone’s flashlight, think again. It is not so bright, but you may see the glowing Apple’s at electronic festivals in the near future. And why hasn’t the tech giant implemented this cool feature into their future generation models yet?
This Mod Will Void Your Warranty
Now for the bad news. The parts used in this mod are actually quite cheap. You can find the aftermarket parts on Amazon for under $20. The aftermarket parts, however, will void your Apple warranty. This void may be something to ponder before going glow.
Not an Easy Apple Mod
One thing the video points out to users is that if you are not that tech savvy you could, in fact, break your iPhone. It is not an easy mod to accomplish, and if you do not have the time or patience, it is recommended that you not attempt this challenging aftermarket mod.
Decreases Battery Life
Apple fans hate charging. The iPhone has many great features, but battery life is one that remains an issue. This glowing mod will not decrease your battery life by much. However, it could add a bit more time plugged into your life.