Family Filmed Two Alien Crafts Merging Together

Family Filmed Two Alien Crafts Merging Together Clapway

Shocking new footage has just been released from UFO researchers thirdphaseofmoon. The remarkable high-quality video shows two alien crafts merging together. This is yet another prime example of UFO surveillance over Earth.


Due to the profanity involved, thirdphaseofmoon had to mute the audio for this amazing video. In all fairness, some profanity must be expected during times like this. When one is face to face with the unbelievable, it’s hard to contain your emotions. All our lives, the government tries to convince us that aliens do not exist. Most of us go along with it, however, as this video shows, alien craft are out there.


At first, it’s easy to mistake these alien crafts for drones. The California night sky covers up any physical shape and all we are left with are two blue lights, interweaving amongst their flight patterns. If they are drones, they are much too close to each other. Drones would cause a disturbance and probably crash into each other, but there, the two lights merge together. Drones don’t interlock and separate again. According to the foul-mouthed family, they were driving along the road when they saw the two mysterious lights. They immediately pulled over and managed to record the lights in high quality.


Every day, hundreds of fake UFO videos take over the internet. Some of these are obviously a joke while others try to be more realistic. Most of the time, it’s easy to see how fake they are. This is not the case here because the editing is none existent. This video is real. This video is taken from a smartphone but it’s still high quality. Unlike most videos out there, this one is not a fake. It’s the real deal. Now, whether this means aliens is unknown. However, we need some kind of explanation. Sightings like this are more common than ever before. We can only hope an answer is coming soon.