5 Mishaps That Could Occur If You Stare at Your Phone Too Long

We walk through life with our phones in our faces and our eyes glued to the screens. While we constantly type on on our small touch screens, we never think about what sorts of effects consistently staring at our phones may cause. Here are five mishaps that could occur if you stare at your phone too long:

5 Mishaps That Could Occur If You Stare at Your Phone Too Long - Clapway1. You could get into a fatal car accident. You not only risk hurting yourself, you risk hurting your friends and family members riding with you. Drive safe.

5 Mishaps That Could Occur If You Stare at Your Phone Too Long - Clapway

2. You could easily walk into on coming traffic. Your lack of focus on your surroundings can result in serious consequences.

5 Mishaps That Could Occur If You Stare at Your Phone Too Long - Clapway3

3. Keeping your eyes on your phone, gives attackers the opportunity to catch you off guard. Stay alert.

5 Mishaps That Could Occur If You Stare at Your Phone Too Long - Clapway4

4. When you are craning your head to stare at your phone, you are putting about 60 lbs. of pressure on your neck. This habit is detrimental to your spine.

5 Mishaps That Could Occur If You Stare at Your Phone Too Long - Clapway5

5. Because phones emit HEV light, you are inviting harm to your retina. The damaging effects could lead to vision loss.

Did I miss anything? Let us know what other consequences occur when you stare at your phone for too long.


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