New research suggests that the reason why research is so often slipped under a rug is because of lack of transparency. In the same breath, it suggests ways on how to make research more plausible, accessible, and how to ensure that it gets followed up with further study.
The Secret to Good Research is Tangibility
The study, by Julie Gould, expresses that the most important aspect of data sharing is making sure it’s useful to other people, in and outside the scientific community. Researchers have to make sure that their data cannot be reproduced in any way so that it remains fresh as updates and further study is conducted.
Studies Have a Short Life and Relevance Span
Another important aspect of research vitality, and perhaps one that isn’t as widespread today, impact. Studies sound like they may have applications that can change society, but in this day and age, where news can be delivered in under 140 characters, research lacks impact.
The Key to the Equation is Accurate Problem Solving
In the end, the new research reads that the most important part of good research is problem-solving. How exactly will this research make life easier for the average citizen? By posing a problem and then solving it, research becomes most effective. The data proposes that research in the future be marketed similarly to how basic advertising is. Research is many things, but it’s not always considered trendy, and this new research may just be able to make it so that it becomes so.