3 Interest things about the Nudity Policy on Facebook

3 Interest things about the Nudity Policy on Facebook Clapway

Just recently, a French court came to the ruling that a French art teacher has the right to sue Facebook.

The company suspended his account after he posted a classic painting of a nude female. This violated the nudity policy of Facebook, but apparently they had no right to do so. Basically, they say that they don’t accept these types of images because some people may be sensitive to it. With this in mind, here are a few interesting things about the nudity policy.

3 Interest things about the Nudity Policy on Facebook Clapway


A couple of years ago, the subject of breastfeeding photos on Facebook was met with tremendous controversy. Way back in 2009, a bunch of nurturing mothers staged a “nurse-in” where they replaced their profile pictures with one’s where they were breastfeeding. The great thing is a few years ago, Facebook altered this rule to allow women to do this.


Back in 2011, Facebook did something that they acknowledged they were wrong in doing so. They disabled a woman’s account because she posted pictures of her newborn baby after birth. The issue, in the eyes of the company, was part of her breast was showing in the photo, but not her nipple. However, Facebook ended up issuing an apology to them saying that it was an error on their part to disable their account.


Let’s be honest, Facebook completely contradicting themselves with this instance of their policy. Their policy will allow photography of art that contains nude figures. However, as mentioned before, a French art teacher had his account suspended for doing so. So, why would Facebook say that this is allowed and then suspend someone for doing so? I am not going to say that the people over there are hypocrites, but this is very hypocritical. They really need to be more specific on their nudity policy because right now it is too confusing.