As shown in the film Sirius, not only does the world know about aliens but they are keeping it secret. Scientists gather that alien life has access to alternative energy that certain organizations refuse to use. As always, money seems to be the culprit here.
The documentary Sirius has created controversy amongst a few organization. The free film made by Steven Greer and Amardeep Kalka can be viewed for free on YouTube. According to the two, Earth has been visited many times by aliens, but corporate bigwigs have kept it under tight wrap. UFO hunters have long accused these elite members of society, but Sirius gives a plausible reason why aliens would want to be hidden from the public. The answer lies in alternative energy.
Apparently, alien beings have found a way to use alternative energy compared to the normal methods here on Earth. If aliens have visited Earth, then surely, scientists are aware of this new energy. To the common man, it would seem smart to adopt this alternative energy for our own. This is assuming it’s highly advanced and less harmful for our planet. However, government organizations are not interested in that. As always, money seems to be the underlying motivator here. Scientists would agree that if aliens are able to visit a distant planet, then their technology is highly advanced. That being said, getting rid of the oil industry take a pretty big chunk out of some wallets. Of course, this is all just a theory, but greedy businessmen aren’t the hoax. It’s the whole alien thing mostly.
As with any alien claim, these theories shouldn’t be taken too seriously. A lack of hard evidence is always a good reason to be skeptical. Additional, Steven Greer is known for his hoax’s in the past. Even if what he preaches now is based on fact, we have ourselves a classic boy who cried wolf scenario. Scientists can back up claims all they want, but ideally, this is all just speculation. That being said, if scientists continue to support these wild claims with fact, then the government will continue to look a little dodgy. Governments have committed far worse secrets in order to save money before, so an idea like this really isn’t that far fetched. That puts the viewers in a tight spot. Who can we trust? The hoaxer or the lying government? This is why we have beer.