Do you have an iPhone? Do you like building cool tech gadgets? If you do, a new build featured online shows Apple enthusiasts how to build a simple mini fan controlled by an iPhone app. Sounds pretty awesome. And it’s actually not that difficult. Perfect for an Apple user or tech fanatic looking to into a few at home tech builds. The IOT, or Internet of Things, iPhone Controlled Mini Fan is a fun project that simply combines Gadget tech with an iPhone app. It may not be a seamless Apple design, but it will keep you cool.
Stepping Stone Build for Apple Fans
The IOT iPhone controlled mini fan is a simple build with a total of 12 components. Once you master controlling a simple mini fan using your smartphone, the possibilities may be endless. Next thing you know, you will be using your microwave, or flushing your toilet using an Apple app.
Learn Basic Coding
Apple enthusiasts love their innovative products. They make their life simple and allows them to stay connected anywhere. But very few users know how any of that stuff actually works. Building an IOT iPhone controlled mini fan will essentially force users to learn, understand, and use a basic code for the fan to operate. Maybe the lack of iPhone 7 features won’t seem so annoying once they know what goes into it.
Controlled via iPhone iOS App
The IOT iPhone controlled mini fan is exactly that. You will be able to control a small fan simply by swiping your finger across a screen. Quite a big accomplishment for iPhone users just learning the building tech at home ropes. The iOS app will connect to the RFduino via BLE. It then sends commands from your phone to the IOT mini fan. You will need to download code and ensure it’s uploaded to your iPhone correctly. You will use xcode for this. Then you just simply run the iOS app and link to the mini fan device.
Feel You Live in Silicon Valley
Those who engage in building the IOT mini fan may find themselves inspired by the task. You put your circuitry together, add your components, enter the code and troubleshoot. Apple may be ready for you by the time you are finished. Or a new innovative light bulb will go off and you may just find yourself in Silicon Valley.
Just Simple Fun
Getting away from Netflix or skipping a few happy hours may be a good thing. Taking on a small garage build is just fun. You get the satisfaction of completing a tech project with something more interesting to talk about than Game of Thrones.