Wooden glasses have become a real trend of the past summer and, apparently, in the next year, their popularity will only grow.
The idea originated from the wooden glasses craze of people to save the environment and to use for the production of recyclables or something that is easy to recycle. Wood – the most natural product, and living in the city, you always want to surround yourself with all the most natural. In addition, the unique wood grain in each individual case, and this feature makes any pair of points virtually exclusive timber.
Wooden Müler glasses are made and assembled by hand. The material is used not only traditional types of wood, and bamboo. Frames are impregnated with special oils on the basis of beeswax. This technology allows the goggles to protect against external environmental influences and extend their lifespan.
The company’s goal, when working on the points of the line, is to create a stylish, high-quality and eco-friendly items of daily use, while maintaining its adequate cost.
Support Project – https://igg.me/at/wxQWRwB8vFk