NASA - search results

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NASA and Russia Received Three Detailed Messages from Alien Planet Clapway

NASA and Russia Received Three Detailed Messages from Alien Planet

In an attempt, to reach Earth, an alien species sent out three detailed messages. NASA and Russia were the first to get them and...
NASA and Russia Found Galaxy full of Devils Clapway

NASA and Russia Found Galaxy full of Devils

In 2015, astronomers from NASA and Russia found a new galaxy. Dragonfly 44 looks beautiful from a distance but it has a dark side....
NASA Releasing Photos of UFO Appearance on Jupiter Clapway

NASA Releasing Photos of UFO Appearance on Jupiter

This weekend NASA'S Juno spacecraft will make it's the closest approach ever to Jupiter. The spacecraft will come within 2,500 miles of the planet's...
NASA and Scientists Found Another Earth and Aliens  Clapway

NASA and Scientists Found Another Earth and Aliens 

Every year, NASA find hundreds of other planets. Usually, these "exoplanets" don't hold any major significance but scientists yesterday found one that might change...
NASA is Afraid Trump will Reveal Aliens if Becomes President Clapway

NASA is Afraid Trump will Reveal Aliens if Becomes President

Donald Trump supporters will say that he's strong on immigration, wants to bring back jobs to America and most importantly he's not Hillary Clinton....
Aliens from Sun Helped NASA Fix the Spacecraft Clapway

Aliens from Sun Helped NASA Fix the Spacecraft

To some, Lost in Space may have just been a great T.V. show with a horrible 90's movie reboot but today, getting lost in...
NASA Found Places With No Gravity on Earth Clapway

NASA Found Places With No Gravity on Earth

Have you ever been to Canada and just felt strange? Of course, you have. However, it's not just the weird people or cheese curds...
NASA Rover Captured Over Two Spacecrafts on Mars Clapway

NASA Rover Captured Over Two Spacecrafts on Mars

On Mars, NASA's rover is hard at work collecting samples for scientific research. At least, that's what we're told. According to recent images, the...
5 Cataclysms that Could Destroy Earth in 2017 NASA Shooting Alien Spaceships in Space

NASA Shooting Alien Spaceships in Space

On September 8th, NASA will tell you they are launching their first sample return mission to an asteroid. Up there in space, an advanced...
NASA Trying to Contact Aliens on Saturn Ring Clapway

NASA Trying to Contact Aliens on Saturn Ring

According to a NASA scientist, there are aliens on the rings of Saturn. In the past, similar claims have been made however, this marks...
NASA Released Pictures of Alien Appearance on Mars Clapway

NASA Released Pictures of Alien Appearance on Mars

A new NASA image from Mars shows an alien appearance, and it may be proof of a UFO landing. The rush to explore Mars...
Mars Rover is Fake; NASA is Lying Clapway

Mars Rover is Fake; NASA is Lying

NASA's rover just released a series of beautiful pictures from the surface of Mars. The captivating images really help bring the alien landscape to...
Several Sources Predict End of World in 2017; NASA knows Clapway

Several Sources Predict End of World in 2017; NASA knows

People have been "predicting" the end of world for quite some time now. However, now a new contender emerges. Not just one, two, or...
NASA Rover Predicting When End Of World Happened on Mars - Clapway

NASA Rover Predicting When End Of World Happened on Mars – Clapway

Everyone from the Mayan's, R.E.M. and that guy in Times Square have predicted when the end of world would happen. Despite the courageous efforts,...
NASA Continues Receiving Alien Messages in Space Clapway

NASA Continues Receiving Alien Messages in Space

A new report from the U.S. National Academics of Sciences has announced they are going back to their gravity wave hunting ways. Now, NASA...
Over 5 People Saw Alien UFO in Belgium; NASA is worried… Clapway

Over 5 People Saw Alien UFO in Belgium; NASA is worried…

Alien UFO captured over Belgium in rare footage, and most likely NASA wants to know who took the video. The white glow of the...
NASA Made Habitat to Host Aliens Clapway

NASA Made Habitat to Host Aliens

Under the guise of a deep-space habitat, NASA has been working on a habitat to host aliens. The agency has secretly selected six companies...
NASA Destroyed Alien Base on the Moon Clapway

NASA Destroyed Alien Base on the Moon

Remember that time NASA dropped a 2-ton missile on the moon? Well, neither does anyone else. The space agency has worked hard to keep...
NASA Released 2 Messages from Aliens Clapway

NASA Released 2 Messages from Aliens

NASA received compelling data from the moon and Mars that suggest proof of aliens. While no official statement has been made, alien researchers are...
SpaceX Meeting Aliens on Mars; NASA is Scared... U. S. Military Detected and Shot Aliens in Space Clapway

SpaceX Meeting Aliens on Mars; NASA is Scared…

Everyone at SpaceX is currently celebrating another successful launch and landing of their Falcon rocket. Once the times of cheer die down, however, people...

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