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Missing Magnetism of Plutonium: Why It Just Won’t stick

A team at Los Alamos National Laboratory have found where the magnetism plutonium is missing actually exists.

New Horizons Carries Remains of Pluto’s Discoverer, Clyde Tombaugh

While we wait for New Horizons to begin its flyby of Pluto, there are some sentiments of the more Earthly persuasion for us to...

New Images of Pluto Unveiled Today

The New Horizons Probe that everyone has been watching closes has finally sent back some images to NASA of the dwarf planet. The unveiling...

New Horizons’ Pluto Map Reveals Strange Bands and Patches

One could safely assume most readers didn’t covet their Moon or Mars Maps in their childhood. But there’s always a chance to make amends...

Pluto And The New Horizon

I grew up learning for many years that Pluto was the last planet in our solar system. We learned a mnemonic to remember the...

New Faces and Mysterious Spots of Pluto Captured Thanks to New Horizons

The New Horizons spacecraft is closing in on Pluto, and every day it sends fascinating new images of the dwarf planet that--as expected--are exceeding...

Save the Date: July 14 NASA’s New Horizons Spacecraft to Fly By Pluto

In January 2006, the spacecraft became the first launched in hopes of reaching the former planet.

New Horizons on Final Approach to Pluto

The teams in charge of the interplanetary satellite New Horizons are burning the midnight oil in an attempt to correct the spacecraft’s trajectory and...

NASA Spacecraft Records First Color Video of Pluto, Charon

Aside from its size, Pluto is special compared to other objects in our solar system because of its large moon Charon.

NASA’s New Horizons Probe Reveals Many “Faces” Of Pluto

It still might be news to some folks that Pluto has many "faces," but those who were uninitiated before can now understand the planet a...

Pluto’s Moons and Their Dance Moves

In a recent study, Pluto's moons had their movements closely observed and really their movements could be described as dancing--if rhythmic movement were any indication of that.

NASA Pluto Probe New Horizons Safely on Course for Epic Flyby

The NASA space probe known as New Horizons is on a smooth, safe road to Pluto during the last few weeks of its long and much publicized journey.

New Pictures of Pluto Show Precise Features

The pictures of Pluto get clearer and better as the New Horizons spacecraft brings it closer to this faraway dwarf world.

New Horizons Space Probe Scans Pluto for Undiscovered Moons and Rings

NASA’s New Horizons probe spacecraft is on the last leg of its exploratory journey to Pluto. The probe, launched in January, 2006, is set...

New Horizons Probe Views 5 Moons Of Pluto

The New Horizons spacecraft, from NASA is on a travel route close to the five moons of Pluto. The five moons of Pluto are Charon, Hydra, Nix, Kerberos and Styx.

NASA Probe Images Of Polar Ice Caps On Pluto

Located three billion miles away from Earth, Pluto was once known as the Solar System’s ninth planet before being downgraded to the status of...

NASA Takes First Color Photograph Of Pluto

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has snapped the first ever color photograph of Pluto. The image, shown below, may be a bit blurry, but you...

Voting On Pluto: Name That Crater

Now’s your chance to make a bit of history by voting on Pluto. The little dwarf planet at the edge of our Solar System is...

Help Name Craters And Mountains On Pluto

We're all used to speaking about "our Earth". Is it time now to speak of "our Pluto" and "our Charon"? The scientists at the...

New Horizons Space Probe Turns For Pluto Flyby

The New Horizons space probe, now less than 1AU (2.96 million miles) from Pluto, performed a complicated engine maneuver to bring it on course...

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