Self-Driving Car Prototype Presented by Nissan

Self-driving car - Clapway

The idea of self-driving cars is most likely one either people are going to love or people are going to hate. According to Nissan they have officially announced they are working on a prototype of a self-driving car. It sounds like Nissan is ready to test whether or not their prototype can work.

Nissan - Clapway


According to Nissan they have announced that their prototype has recently launched in Japan and that it is based on their Nissan Leaf. They also went on to title this revelation as the Nissan Intelligent Driving project and they stated that the reason why they wanted to make self-driving cars was to lower traffic related deaths. It has been stated by Nissan that they are testing their self-driving cars on the roads of Japan. Nissan gave an estimated time table on their self-driving cars and said that Stage 1 should be ready by 2016 and that they could be officially ready by 2020. Nissan’s senior vice president, Takao Asami, commented on their revelation. Asami states, “We at Nissan are setting clear goals and preparing for the implementation of piloted drive. The prototype that we’re introducing here today is proof of how close we are towards the realization of this goal.” He continued by saying how the plan is for the self-driving cars to drive just like the owner of the car would. Nissan is ready and determined to make their self-driving cars reliable and safe, but can they?


I said previously that the idea of self-driving cars was one that would either be loved or hated. Well I am apart of the latter and I hate this idea. I do not know about others, but the idea of being behind the wheel and not having to drive would bother me tremendously. Nissan really sounds like they are going to make their self-driving cars extremely safe, but all machines experience issues eventually and what happens if the self-driving mechanic goes haywire? I for one would not want to be the person to have to experience want happens in that situation. The overall idea of having a car drive itself just turns my stomach. Some people in the world may love this idea and are probably looking forward to the day when these become available. The future appears to be here and now as it seems very certain that Nissan is determined to make their self-driving cars succeed.