Xensr (pronounced “sensor”) is brought to you by a team of athletes and engineers, who are passionate about sports and calculating the exact physical activity data. Xensr quantifies your jumps, airtime and tricks into solid measurable performance data. Ever wonder how high you soared on your snowboard? Or how big a wave you actually caught? (need a waterproof case)
A popular question in the minds of athletes and extreme sport professionals is, “How high did I jump?,” according to the Xensr website. For the team at Xensr, the answer to that question led them to figuring out a better way to calculate the sports motion industry. More seemed needed to truly understand the depths of pushing one’s physical limits and goal setting achievements. GPS data simply wasn’t enough, so CEO David Troup set out to create technology that could harness stronger power in terms of reading your physical data and providing an accurate assessment.
Xensr actually gives you accurate performance results and it’s literally the size of a small cookie.
Have a look at the Xensr Video Channel
The company goal became about changing the way sports was consumed. Rather than subjective, the team set out to create objective metrics. For the past five years, Xensr has been developing and advancing technology for sports motion capture.
Xensr is also a great to use when training. If you want to keep nudging your performance, being able to track it efficiently, is key to making important improvements. You now have the ability to discover in what ways you can make slight adjustments, that will help you gain ground with your physical goals.
Xensr can not only accurately capture 3D metrics like jump heights in extreme sports, but is also the most accurate tracking solution for common metrics like stairs climbed while running to an unprecedented degree of accuracy.
Simply connect your XensrCase to your iPhone, start running the Xensr app, drop it in your pocket or backpack or strap it to your arm, and you’re off to the races. The battery life lasts up to 4.6 hours, plenty of time for you to have a great workout, training session or plain out fun.
For further FAQ – please refer to the company website: www.xensr.com
The XensrCase is looking at your motion 400 times every second. It examines your acceleration, air pressure and your angles, while keeping track of where the GPS + magnetometer. This all determines your exact 3D location. This is all computed through TruMotion’s technology for movement data. This has a precision rate of 1 inch (at worst), which is what Xensr uses to measure.
Xensr appears to be a piece of gear that is beneficial for serious athletes looking to push their limits. It’s also great for competing, whether it be with friends or at a professional event.