Microsoft Office Available on Android

The Suite Now Downloadable on Android Phones

Microsoft has officially launched Microsoft Office for Android smartphones. Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint can now be downloaded as apps, allowing for essays, spreadsheets, and presentations to be made on the go in the palm of your hand. It is a launch that has been predicted for some time, since the apps have previously been available for Android tablets.

Previews Lasted Shorter Than Expected

It would be easy to assume that with a launch as big as this – Microsoft Office is arguably the most well-known computer software translating to one of the most popular type of phones – that this would be previewed and modified for a significant amount of time, so as to get things just right. But surprisingly, these previews only began in May, meaning a scant five weeks to make significant changes. But Microsoft insists that it got plenty of feedback in that short amount of time, testing the Microsoft Office apps on nearly 2,000 Android models, and in 83 countries.

It’s Coming Pre-Loaded in the Future

Those of you with Android phones can download the apps now, no problem. But if that’s still too much work for you and you plan on getting a new phone soon, you are in luck. The plan is for Microsoft Office to soon become a fixture in Android smartphones, as Microsoft is partnering with over thirty phone distributors to make that happen later in 2015. These include LG, Samsung, and Sony.

It’s Free… Mostly

The Microsoft Office apps can be downloaded for free on your Android device. No doubt about it. With this free app, you can edit documents, as well as deliver presentations. If you have OneDrive, you can access your files through there, but thanks to more partnering, you can use other existing apps you may have to access these documents, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. So it’s safe to say the most basic functions you need for Microsoft Office are totally free of charge. But there are additional functions available, and if you want them, you’ll have to subscribe to their Office 365 service. And that’s less free.



For your more traditional word processing needs, try the Moleskine Voyageur Traveller’s Notebook.