5 Cringe Worthy Torture Devices

Torture devices are not something we like to think about on a day to day basis. We are lucky to live in a society where we are not punished unthinkably severely for minor or ridiculous crimes. Here are five cringe worth torture devices, for your information…

1. A breast ripper was used to rip the breast from a woman and was made out of heated iron.

5 Cringe Worthy Torture Devices - Clapway

2. Heretic’s fork was used on liars and was placed between the breast bone and throat.

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3. The choke pear was used to gag or internally torture victims.

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4.The brazen bull was one of many torture devices used to roast criminals to death.

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5. There are many variations of the iron chair, some involving spikes and some involving excruciating heat.

Let’s all take a moment to be grateful that these torture devices are not commission anymore. As far as we know…

Clapway Trends brings you the *relatively* mild torture of Pavlok, to help you end your bad habits: