Facebook Finally Discusses the “Dislike” Button

Ever since the “like” functionality was introduced to Facebook, users have wondered why the option to “dislike” a post wasn’t available. According to Facebook’s creator, Mark Zuckerberg, this is a complaint he has heard over and over again, but that’s all about to change.

The long awaited “dislike” button

The topic of the “dislike” button was recently brought to the table during a live stream Facebook town hall meeting. At a glance, when thinking about what the “dislike” button could mean for Facebook, users might assume the functionality would be purely utilized for malicious intent. Zuckerberg, however, assures his 1.23 billion active monthly users that the “dislike” button will involve none of that; rather, he envisions that the button will serve a greater empathic purpose.

How to deal with Sad posts on facebook

We’ve all seen it – statuses that indicate people are upset about something, such as the passing of a loved one. In cases like this, users have probably felt uncomfortable “liking” certain posts. Yet, in the past, we did not have any other option but to do so in order to show some form of support to the person. This is what Zuckerberg’s team is specifically focused on fixing. Although he stated that the process has been extremely difficult and extensive, Facebook is almost ready to start testing its newest functionality.

aww, Facebook does care!

Believe it or not, Facebook really does cares about how its users feel. In fact, studies show that what you see online at any given moment can affect the rest of your day. Because the team at Facebook is aware of this, the company is focused on creating a better space for people to openly share their emotions in a digital community. To do so, Facebook tracks the specific things that people have previously liked and then uses algorithms to make sure more similar content will be displayed on their news feeds. This even includes sponsored content.

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