Super Mario Maker New Update: ‘Skinny Mario’ is Back!

Mario - featured Clapway

Nintendo has released their newest update for Super Mario Maker and it can be certain it is one that fans were not expecting to see. Super Mario Maker is a game that allows users to create their own custom Mario levels with multitudes of awesome features. Nintendo’s newest feature, however, can be thought of as more of an Easter egg than anything.


If anybody is unfamiliar with what skinny Mario was don’t fret because non-hardcore Mario and Nintendo fans usually don’t. Skinny Mario was originally a glitch in the original Super Mario Bros for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Basically what would happen is Mario would turn into a creepy distorted version of himself with longer, lanky limbs. Fans across the world have expressed their dislike for skinny Mario simply given how horrifying and downright distorted Mario looks like in this form. If he does not give you the chills then I condemn you! However, Nintendo must not have cared as they brought skinny Mario into Super Mario Maker. This is clearly a move by Nintendo to fully embrace what was an infamous glitch in Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. is arguably the most famous video game ever, so Nintendo probably wanted to remind people of their creepy interpretation of the infamous skinny Mario. Why they wanted to do this is beyond me, but it does bring back some memories!

Mario - Clapway


Nintendo did actually add something of use with their newest update to Super Mario Maker however. According to Nintendo, Super Mario Maker will now include checkpoints. This is an absolutely enormous addition as many gamers had complained about it in the past. Super Mario Maker allows people to make custom levels and post them online for others to play. Some of these levels online are mind numbingly long and having to start over from the start of the level becomes tedious. Now with the addition of checkpoints in Super Mario Maker this issue will disappear. Most platforming Mario games over the years have had checkpoints, so this new feature makes perfect sense for Super Mario Maker. The addition of skinny Mario was probably for fun and games, but this new edition of checkpoints to Super Mario Maker will certainly improve the game tremendously. Nintendo seems to be working on Super Mario Maker every day and it can be rest assured that Nintendo will continue to make updates and features for it.