New Research Reveals Beer Bellies Can Kill You

New research reveals that people should be weary of beer bellies, as people with fat around their middle are at higher risk for dying early than even the obese. Central obesity, the study finds, increases the change of early death regardless of BMI.

People with central obesity have less muscle mass, which does increase mortality risks, but this study focused on people with beer bellies specifically against people that are classified as overweight or obese in regards to factors including death rate.

Beer belly - clapway

The Study

15,184 between the ages of 18-90 participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, and the study looked at their body fat distribution as well as deaths assessed through records, and this it was confirmed that there is a connection between central obesity, specifically beer bellies, and early death.

This study has since inspired a slew of modifications from physicians all over the medical community. The data proves risks to an important fragment of the population, and preventive measures must be taken.

This Doesn’t Mean the Obese Are in the Clear

The complete findings are published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, and it urges people to measure belly fat alongside their BMI as it could be the difference between death by beer bellies or a healthy quality of life. This, however, does not mean that people with obesity have a lower risk of dying early.