Another Image of Pluto that Looks Like an LSD Trip

NASA psychedelic - Clapway

The team of scientists behind New Horizons released an image of Pluto where they distinguish the subtle color differences between Pluto’s regions. It looks like something straight out of the 1960s.

NASA’s Image of Pluto was Made through PCA

This image was created via principal component analysis, and NASA were able to discover the subtleties and the differences between the different regions of Pluto. This data was collected by New Horizons’ Ralph/MVIC color camera on the date of the probe’s historic flyby, July 14, 22,000 miles from Pluto, and thisĀ image of Pluto is slightly reminiscent of psychedelic art, except with a much heavier dose of realism.

NASA psychedelic - Clapway

New Image of Pluto Looks Like Something Out of A Pink Floyd Light Show

Liquid light shows, which NASA’s image of Pluto is awfully similar to, got started in the mid-1960s with the Progressive music scene. It remained popular throughout the seventies and used a series of projectors and color wheels played during concerts, most notably for Pink Floyd and Jefferson Airplane. The point was to reflect the concert, and the emotion the band was trying to communicate in visual form. Operators were often stained with the bright colored inks they worked with, of which the most popular was Flo-Master ink.

So We Combined NASA’s Image of Pluto with Liquid Oil Projection to Make Our Own

Liquid oil projection is still used today, though in a much smaller scale due to the hazards caused by the ink and because of advanced graphic and projection technology, but Clapway decided to give this image of Pluto its own twist.

NASA psychedelic - Clapway
(c) Clapway

Now that’s what we call trippy.