World of Warcraft: Legion to Allow Level-100 Characters to be Tested

Fans of World of Warcraft rejoice, level-100 characters may soon be allowed to be tested before using them. Blizzard Entertainment, the brains behind World of Warcraft, have announced that World of Warcraft: Legion will launch next summer and now with this news it should be even more anticipated.


World of Warcraft is a MMORPG, which is a mass media online role-playing game. This genre of video game allows gamers to constantly upgrade their playable characters as they go through their adventure. Leveling up characters can be a mind numbing process as it can take a long time to do so, and leveling characters to 100 takes forever. Basically, the senior vice president of World of Warcraft, J. Allen Brack, stated that this decision was to allow users to test certain level-100 characters. In World of Warcraft there are several different types of characters that can be used. This will now allow users to be able to play with their certain character type at level-100 and see if they like it before they spend countless hours leveling them up. Brack also mentioned that users will be allowed 45 minutes of content to play through with the level-100 character and that their would be a warning message afterwards prompting the user that they are about ready to officially commit to their character.


Sources across the web have came up with several problems that would need to be addressed before World of Warcraft: Legion launches next summer. The major problems that are being talked about across the web are: How to determine when a user is done to prompt them with whether to proceed or not. What to do when a user says no and deletes their character, but then changes their mind. How to handle all the experienced players who have already pre-purchased Legion and used their level-100 character boost and equipping those characters with something other than the Legion starting gear. All of these are legitimate questions that Blizzard will need to keep in mind when they start doing the work, as Brack has stated that they have not officially started the work yet. Brack also stated that this option can be turned off if users do not want the additional help. It sounds like this is just in the development stage as we speak, so World of Warcraft fans just need to remain as patient as they can for now.