Google Calendar is Better than FindTime at Housework

Google Calendar

Google Calendar has gotten an update, and it is now able to send you reminders for things that aren’t scheduled events. Much like reminders on any smartphone, Google Calendar is able to schedule reminders for doctors’ appointments or trips to the drug store or grocery store.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar Can Even Set Reminders to Make Calls

The new update allows users to schedule and make reminders for pending calls, saving phone numbers and making the task at a tap’s reach. The platform can now handle scheduled events, to-do lists and reminders in one place, and track them all. Other Google services like Google Keep, Now or Inbox can also integrate Reminders to show up in Calendar.

The new update can connect to the Google Now voice assistant and review reminders in daily schedules. Once those tasks are completed, the voice assistant can mark them as complete. The feature will be rolling to Google Calendar on Android and iOS. Later on, the same update will be coming to web.

Why Did it Take So Long for Calendar to Get Reminders

Perfecting reminders were the key point in this update. In other devices, reminders will be a pesky notification fixed on a lock screen. Google aimed to devise an efficient system for reminders so that people won’t be able to easily dismiss them. So not only are Reminders optimized for mobile, they’re also designed to be an integral part of users’ daily schedule.

With this new update, it’s likely that the next Apple OS will get improvements on reminders. Apple has been really clever on the catch-up when it comes to these smaller but more important updates, so the next OS will surely bring a newly designed Reminders feature.

Microsoft FindTime Rules the Office

While Google Calendar optimizes a personal schedule, Microsoft FindTime remains the platform that unifies and optimizes functionality in an office. The new application remains unbeaten when it comes to enterprises and businesses.