HERE High Definition Maps Will Beat Google Maps

Audi, AG, Dailmer AG and the BMW Group are collaborating to launch the HERE high definition maps. HERE is an open, independent and value creating company headed by NOKIA, which focuses on the mapping and location business.

HERE High Definition Maps

HERE High Definition Maps is Now More Independent

Thanks to the collaboration of these three giant companies HERE is given a tinge more independence and is able to work even more seamlessly. Their goal is to deliver HD maps and real-time location information to their clients, in real time. Their technology covers data sources like cars, mobile phones, the transport and logistics sector and several infrastructure elements.

HERE Has Sensors Everywhere

The service draws data from more than 80,000 sources and has billions of probe points. They look to connect to millions of vehicles and their on-board sensors that generate information about the cars’ surroundings. They’ve joined hands with many companies to optimize their maps, products and services to accommodate drivers everywhere. Ultimately, HERE will bring better traffic, safer roads and cleaner urban areas.

The Company Will Continue to Grow With the Help of Audi and BMW

HERE is looking to increase its market leadership and expand its reach of car maker partners. Developing its consumer and enterprise business will ultimately make it one of the world’s leading location services, and the wider its scope of partners is, the better consumer satisfaction it will bring.

In the future, HERE will be able to compete with the giants of maps and locations. It could even compete against Google Maps, which is currently the most widespread location service. If it does go against Google, though, it’ll be because of it’s connections to other companies and corporations. On the other hand, HERE could also receive support from private cab services like Uber or Lyft, since they’re also currently in deals with either Waze, iOS Maps and Google Maps for optimized navigation.