3 Easy Ways To Make a Bottle Bomb at Home

3 Easy Ways To Make a Bottle Bomb at Home Clapway

Come on now, who doesn’t like to blow stuff up for no reason? Sometimes, people just need to let loose and completely obliterate something. The good news is, with a bottle bomb, this can be accomplished. There are a few different ways to make a bottle bomb at your house, and here are three:


The first thing you need to do in this method is to tear a paper towel in half and place a tablespoon of baking soda in the center of it. Then, you are going to need to pour around an inch of vinegar into a bottle. After this, you will need to place the paper towel inside of the bottle. Make sure that the baking soda portion is just past the mouth. However, don’t let it touch the bottom of the bottle. Once this is done, place the cap on the bottle and then being to shake the bottle. However, make sure to be careful because it could explode in your hands. After you deem the bottle shaken up, throw it in the air and watch it explode, like a bomb, when it hits the ground.


The next method will involve a sandwich bag, instead of a paper towel. Insert around a tablespoon of baking soda in the bag, and then make sure it is settled in one corner. Then, pour the same amount of vinegar into the bottle that you did in method 1. Now, place the plastic bag in the bottle the exact same way you did in method 1. After all of this is done place the cap on the bottle and vigorously shake it. You are now ready to let it hit the ground, and when it does make sure that you are ready.


In this next method, you will need some Mentos. Take one of them out and poke a hole through the center of it. After this, place a string inside of the hole of the Mento. Now, take a bottle of diet soda and open it up. Place the Mento with the string inside of the bottle, but make sure it does not touch the soda. All of your work is done, and once someone opens up the soda the Mento will drop into it which will result in a very big mess!

There are a few different ways to make a bottle bomb at your house, and here are three: Clapway