3 Reasons Why Tinder is Growing Rapidly

3 Reasons Why Tinder is Growing Rapidly Clapway

For those of you who are unaware, Tinder is a dating app and it is definitely on the up and up. They have recently released a few updates, and they are absolutely fantastic.


Due to the fact that Tinder is a dating app, photos are going to be a huge part of the experience. For the longest time, this service would not allow photos to be added directly from your Camera Roll. Instead, they had to be sent from your Facebook. However, this is now fixed and you will be able to upload images directly from your Camera Roll. This is important because not everyone gets on Facebook, and sometimes you do not want everyone to see your image on Facebook.


GIF’s are animated images, and they can be very fun to make. However, before Tinder addressed it there was no convenient way to send a GIF. Now, there is a GIF button that will appear right next to the text input box. Not only this but the app will also show you the highest trending GIF’s, that they deem appropriate for your situation. These types of images can really help break the ice for two people, and it can make the experience on Tinder much more enjoyable.


One of the best aspects to Facebook is the fact that you can “Like” someone’s post. Now, this option is available in Tinder. This is really cool because you can show your interest in someone by “liking” them. This will also help to create a positive sentiment when you are trying to meet someone. This is a very simple update, but it is one that will carry great significance in the future of Tinder. This service is certainly trending in the right direction, and their popularity should continue to grow.

3 Reasons Why Tinder is Growing Rapidly Clapway