Dinosaurs Saw How Saturn Rings Were Formed

Dinosaurs Saw How Saturn Rings Were Formed Clapway

Yes, you read that right. It’s quite possible that dinosaurs saw how Saturn was formed. As much as we’d all like to think dinosaurs are some ancient race of space aliens that formed our universe, it’s more likely they witnessed this even from the very same Earth we live on. Also, they probably had no idea what was going on.


Red Bull gives you wings but it didn’t give Saturn Rings. Saturn was first discovered in the 1600’s by a bunch of old astronomers who were probably drunk on wine. This lead to four hundred years of debates about how old space was. Nowadays, drunk astronomers still exist, but they also have computers. Using computer modeling, researchers can compare orbital tips and learn the age of Saturn. Looking at the orbits of satellites show that they formed not too far from where they are now. Thus, they are younger than we all thought. Previously, researchers thought that the rings were as old as the planet itself, but now it could have been formed in the age of dinosaurs.


Results from NASA’s Cassini mission show some interesting ice geysers on the moon Enceladus.  Researchers are assuming that the energy powering these geysers is a direct result of tidal interactions. Analysts say these geysers would move the satellites by a very small amount in 100 million years. That alone dates the formations of the moons surrounding the ringed planet to the age of dinosaurs. Now that they have the age of the rings established, just how were they formed?

One guess is that on the older collection of moons existed around the Saturn long before its rings (and any dinosaurs) existed. When the orbits of these moons were disturbed, neighboring moons got involved. These objects collided and rubble was cast into the planets orbit. From there, now debris gathered to form the rings and moons we see today. The dinosaurs were holding out on us. This leads one to think what more those creatures could know. What other secrets did those selfish things take to the grave?