Aliens Are Hiding on Planet Nine

Aliens Are Hiding on Planet Nine Clapway

The outer edges of our solar system continue to be shrouded in mystery. Some scientist think that a large, mysterious planet is the result off all these oddities. Take the tinfoil hats off. It looks like Planet Nine and aliens could be a very certain reality.


On the outside of our solar system, mysterious objects (aliens perhaps?) have been moving around in strange ways. Surprisingly, the best explanation someone has for the strange orbits is Planet Nine. The origins of this “planet” date back to January when a pair of scientists argued that the may have found something peculiar. By looking at the orbit of six objects in the Kuiper Belt, they saw something besides what was usually thought to be asteroids and ice rocks. Now a few months later, those scientists are claiming that those strange moving objects indicated a possible Planet Nine.


Despite the respected opinion of these scientists, many are still skeptical about the presence of aliens. As of yet, none of these claims have been published in a peer-review journal or checked with any colleagues. Still, others are still trying. The Canada France Hawaii Telescope is not only a telescope made up of three names, but it is looking for aliens. The telescope is conducting an Outer Solar Systems Origins Survey and hopes to verify these claims regarding Planet Nine and the Kuiper Belt.

What isn’t talked about is that if this planet is found, big things could result from it. In the chance Planet Nine is real, scientists gather that it will be a planet. No questions asked. It dominates a much larger region compared to other planets and seems to be the most like Earth compared to anything else in our Solar System. Until any factual evidence is curated, the internet will continue on their criticizing ways. As always, a legion of armchair Astronomers have been chiming in all over the net offering their opinion. They vary from the actual to the ridiculous. The fact is, we won’t know anything about the object out there for quite some time but if talking about aliens all day online is something you enjoy, by all means go for it.