In the latest viral hit, a Walmart employee delivers a near perfect rendition of Scooby-Doo and his mystery solving, stoner sidekick Shaggy. The video represents just another case of the retail chain underutilising their bored employees. This is what happens when workers are paid a horrible wage and bored out of their minds. Costco, on the other hand, pays their workers a living wage. Oddly enough, they seem to be lacking in world-class voice actors.
While this video is truly entertainment at it’s finest, there is a deeper message behind the innocent shenanigans of this Walmart employee. Let’s talk about Scooby Doo for a second. As many of you may know, that too is an entertaining spectacle disguised by innocence. As most every plot of the show goes, the gang comes across some “monster”. As viewers later find out, there is never a monster but just some old, rich white guy disguising himself to protect his fortune.
These disguises are not your average disguise. They are advanced. The costume itself is a dark, controlling machine that takes over those who wear it. The end result is the man behind the mask ends up being more of a monster than his disguise shows. The average American is the gang of Scooby Doo. We see Walmart for what it looks to be. A controlling, evil corporation but sadly, it is far worse underneath that facade. As bad as the Walmart that we know is, the real monsters are the rich guys controlling it.
On the other hand, we have Costco. With them, there is no Scooby Doo mystery to solve. What you see is what you get. No elaborate costume is needed like Walmart. Costco advertises themselves as affordable, friendly and equality driven. They are like the superman of big box retailers. They stand for everything that is just and right with the world. Costco employees are not only paid a livable wage but often times better than the average wage. Walking into Costco is like walking into a place that is unaffected by greed. Prices are almost immune to inflation and don’t even get me started on the pizza and hotdogs. If Scooby Doo tried to pull off this mask, it wouldn’t come off because they have nothing to hide. Either that or they are just extremely good at hiding their corruptive ways.