Amazon is Eating Walmart; Will Ebay Join?

Amazon is Eating Walmart; Will Ebay Join? Clapway

Amazon has just made a lot of people happy with their latest expansion. The same-day delivery service from the company has been well documented and is only available for Prime members, which is $99 annually. Well, just recently the company announced that 11 more metropolitan areas would gain access to it. This should make Walmart a little concerned, as their ShippingPass program is still a little new. Also, even though they shut down their same-day delivery service last year, it will be interesting to see if eBay does anything to report.


Among some of the major cities that have access to this Prime only feature are Louisville, Sacramento, Cincinnati, Charlotte, Nashville, and Richmond. However, it will now be available in new areas in Los Angeles, San Diego, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Central New Jersey. In total, more than 27 metro areas in the U.S. have access to the same-day delivery service from Amazon.


As previously mentioned, Walmart has tried to counteract the Prime service from Amazon. They decided to create the ShippingPass service at half of the price of Amazon Prime. The deal that Walmart gives their users is unlimited 3-day shipping, with no minimum order, and for only $50 a year. However, three-day shipping is not the same as same-day delivery. So, even though it’s cheaper, the better choice is clearly Amazon.


In the summer of 2015, eBay decided to officially shut down their same-day delivery service. To simplify the experience of eBay, the company positioned this move. However, now after seeing what Amazon has been doing, will eBay do anything to respond? It doesn’t seem likely after they shut it down last year, that they would re-open it. However, Walmart decided to launch a new service to counteract Prime, so maybe eBay will try it again too.