NASA has found that the strange planet Cancri 55 e has an atmosphere completely made of hydrogen cyanide. For those unfamiliar with that, it’s perhaps best known for being the chemical weapon used by the Nazis in World War II. Seeing as Hitler was essentially Satan in human form, this planet looks to be Hell in space.
The planet’s surface temperature comes in a cool 2,000C. You can see where the Hell comparisons come from now don’t you? Space enthusiasts believe that the exoplanet is made of carbon and the internal pressure is strong enough that it’s core is one huge diamond. To better show this planet, NASA has created a neat animation based on their recent observations.
No, this isn’t the narration of some new movie set in space Hell. It’s the virtual animation from NASA. In the image, NASA shows the world with rivers of lava and large pools of extremely hot magma. One scenario for the planet shows it’s two times the size of Earth. Using observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope, they have created the first temperature map of the exoplanet. The map shows extreme temperature swings from one end of the 55 Cancri e to the other. This could serve as a reason for the lava flows. The exoplanet is also known by the name Janssen. It can be found orbiting a star very much like our own Sun 40 light ears away.
The newly found Hell exoplanet is tidally locked with it’s Sun. This means that the same face is always pointed toward the fireball. This is just like our own moon is locked towards Earth. And just like our moon, this distant world has a dark side. One side has a constant raging inferno of Hell while the other is in complete darkness. If this discovery didn’t impress you enough. NASA has one more trick up their sleeve. Apparently they have an Instagram account. This is where they posted the image of the exoplanet. They should give their social media manager a raise considering the amount of attention this will bring the agency.