YouTube Reveals UFO; NASA’s Top Secret Experiments?

YouTube Reveals UFO; NASA's Top Secret Experiments? Clapway

YouTube video UFO discussion portrays new UFO sighting at Jack’s Ranch as magnetic, robotic humanoid jellyfish. Jack, the owner of Jack’s Ranch said he was petrified as the new extraterrestrial space being approached him rapidly. The sighting at Jack’s Ranch is nothing new, as UFOs seem to prefer conducting flybys near the ranch. Could this be alien contact, or is it just another NASA Top Secret experiment?

UFO Sightings Increase with YouTube

The latest YouTube video taken from Jack’s Ranch can be found on the channel thirdphaseofmoon. They have more than 300,000 subscribers with over 100,000 views of the latest Jack’s Ranch sighting. The UFO in the video has a striking resemblance to a man with a red fluorescent helmet, but many think it is a space ship. The days of obscure extraterrestrial videos shot on poor equipment have been replaced by a huge sum of UFO inspired short films on YouTube. Some YouTube videos are slightly more convincing than others, and the legitimacy of any sighting is always in question.

NASA Top Secret Experiments

The Jack’s Ranch UFO sighting appears to be a man flying with a jet pack, but without the jet pack. The posture of what looks to be a man flying is indicative with the posture of any jet pack video, also available on YouTube. However, you can never count NASA out. They have a multi-billion dollar budget with plenty of toys to test. The next NASA mission to Mars aims at finding any signs of an ancient Martian civilization. It would be foolish to think that NASA doesn’t have cool innovative space designs. But this is not the first sighting at Jack’s Ranch, which begs the question of legitimacy. Jack may just be a bored farmer with a flare for prop design and UFOs. We may never know.

Do Aliens Exist?

Most citizens of earth live their life with the assumption that humans on earth are in fact the only living beings in the universe. You may hold the same beliefs, and think these alien sights are all a bunch of bulls@#t. And you may very well be right. The concept of aliens, UFO sightings, and NASA secret experiments for space exploration is pretty fun to ponder. Whether we like it or not, we are paying NASA’s tab with taxes.