The expression, “hell on Earth,” proves to have some possible truth. The intense pressure of the Earth’s core is revealing hell like properties. The biblical sense of hell has always been turned into a smoldering hot pit of demise. Anyone who follows religious beliefs of certain types has the general knowledge that heaven is up and hell is down. But what if hell is actually down? Like at the core of the earth, continually heating and building intense pressures. These hell inspired pressures have led scientists to new facts regarding the core of our planet.
Formation of Iron Earth
Earth is generally accepted to be an iron planet, but researchers want more answers. A recent study published in Science discusses the value of the data collected from the core of the earth. Scientists hope to uncover the secrets of the early solar system through the research. Roughly 4.6 billion years ago Earth was formed over several violent collisions. And our planet grew up with fire and pressure in its belly. Like eating and drinking too much spicy food and beer in large quantities.
Finding Life on Other Planets
Researchers involved in the study examined the isotope fractionation of Earth, how iron sinks into the core. They found that the extraordinary heat and pressure in the core affects isotope fractionation, but the unique signature of iron and hydrogen, or carbon reactions simply can’t be found. However, science will prevail, due to the life finding benefits such data can provide when looking at other planets, like Mars. Looking at how the core of a planet affects the surface of said planet could help scientists predict life. Will this mean more funding for Martian space rover Curiosity and the upcoming 2020 NASA mission to Mars?
Could Experimenting with Hell Spell Disaster?
If the core of the earth continues to build pressure and heat up, will the surface of the earth shift? The movie 2012 was an exciting take on the end of days as the core temperature of our planet heated and liquefied the surface, causing a massive shift in tectonic plates and rearrangement of continents. Maybe this is why NASA, China, Russia and SpaceX are so eager to find a planet viable for human existence.