Top 3 Spam Techniques on Youtube

Top 3 Spam Techniques on Youtube Clapway

Spam is everyone’s favorite mystery meat but it’s also more than that. It’s a valuable marketing strategy as well. Sure, the people on the receiving end may find it annoying but it’s a quick and easy way to get your name out there. There are so many ways to advertise these days but here are the top three found on YouTube.


Email spamming is somewhere between letterbox mapping and chat spam. It’s not nearly as fast but it allows you to add a bit more detail. That being said, the golden age of email spamming is over. Thanks to Gmail’s advanced antispam, it’s hard to get anyone to look at your hard work. Instead, it just goes straight to the junk mailbox where it will await its final days. However, don’t give up. Many people still check their junk mailbox. Spamming is better than not doing anything at all so don’t give up!


Handing out thousands of letters is one way to do it but this is 2016 here. We have the technology and we should use it. If you’ve ever been chatting on Skype before and have been a victim of chat spam, then consider yourself lucky. The technology behind it is actually quite fascinating and you can check it out in this Youtube video. This is the fastest way to go about the spreading of information. With spamming, it’s all about numbers. Many will ignore you but the more you get out there, the higher chance there is of someone responding. It’s probability. Mathematics and stuff.


So you have thousands of letters to get out into the world. One way to do this is to hire some college freshman looking for work. It won’t be quick, but they’ll do the job. SpeedĀ is the key to spam. You want to get information out as fast as possible and in as many places as possible. This is no job for a mere mortal. Instead, buy yourself a spambot. Like this one seen on YouTube, spambots are the most efficient way to distribute advertising. They’re quick, quiet, cheap and plentiful.