Shape Shifting Frog Discovered In Ecuador

Within the cloud forest in the western region of Ecuador, lies a new species of frog with truly astonishing abilities. Tim Krynak, a naturalist and Metroparks project manager, and Katherine Krynak, a biologist and Case Western graduate student, discovered the fingernail-sized amphibian, also known as the shape shifting frog.

This ability is unique, as it allows the shape shifting frog to adjust both the color and texture of its skin. Because of this characteristic, it cannot be classified simply as camouflage, hence the term shape-shifter. From what is known so far, it can actually mimic whatever surface it is on. This means that if it’s on a flat white surface, its skin will become lighter in color and very smooth. However, if it is on a raised or spiky surface, the frog’s skin will quickly develop spikes.

This shape shifting frog is also known as the changeable frog or pristimantis mutabilis. It is small compared to other frogs that are commonly seen, as it is only about the size of a marble. The understanding of why the frog needs its shape-shifting abilities can be related to where it lives. Within its forest habitat, there are plenty of predators. It’s very possible that this ability is a modified survival instinct simply developed to its highest level. With its capabilities, it is able to easily hide among moss or brush in the rainforest.

When it comes to the actual number of shape shifting frogs in existence, little is known so far, as they have only been studied for the past 3 years, and there is simply not enough data to know for sure how many are out there. In fact, it took the researchers 9 years alone to determine for sure that the frog was indeed a new species to begin with.

Now, in light of the discovery, there is some discussion regarding species of frogs or other creatures that may have been previously lost. Because the look of an animal is usually such a factor in identifying it, the shape-shifting ability throws off everything that scientists have known up to this point. The minimal understanding of this particular ability is definitely becoming a hindrance to future research. It is vital that scientists are better able to understand the shape shifting frog in order to make progress.