A new pet tracking device will allow pet owners to track and monitor their pet’s movements via bluetooth smart technology and an app on their Apple or Android devices. DOTT: The Smart Dog Tag will start its Kickstarter campaign on August 18th in hopes of giving peace of mind to pet lovers and safety to their furry companions.
Keeping Track of Your Pets? There’s a Dog Tag and App for that!
Pet owners are a unique breed of people, especially those of us who have dogs. While it’s no secret that pet owners adore their animals, people absolutely love dogs. According to the
American Veterinary Medical Association, nearly 70 million dogs are owned, and in all likelihood, spoiled by their owners. While we love our dogs, we also need to protect them, which is where technology comes in handy. The latest technology that will be coming into the market is the DOTT, a Smart Dog Tag that allows owners to keep track of their beloved pooches via a virtual leash accessed on their mobile devices. Owners simply attach the tracking device to the pet’s collar and with Bluetooth Smart technology, your dog’s steps can be traced using a companion app. The app is available in the Apple store for iPhone users and in the Google Play store for Android aficionados.
DOTT: The Smart Dog Tag Set to Launch August 18th
The DOTT mobile app works by alerting you of Fido’s whereabouts. Whenever your pet breaks free from the virtual leash (your phone), the tracking device will notify you immediately. What makes DOTT unique is that if your animal is ever lost, the Bluetooth Smart technology uses the other members of the DOTT community to act as beacons if your dog comes near them. In essence, if your puppy strays from you and finds another DOTT member, you will be able to find your lost dog through the help of the DOTT community. The app is more than just a useful pet tracking collar; it’s also a way to get to know and help other pet lovers in the area, especially during stressful times, such as when one of the community members loses their companion. The premise of the device helps bring dog communities together in efforts to keep all animals safe, protected, and connected to their loved ones. As the company explains, the bigger the network of DOTT members grows, the faster users can respond and reunite pets to their families.
Donate to the Kickstarter Campaign and Pre-order Your Dog Tag
The DOTT Smart Dog Tag will officially kick off its Kickstarter campaign on August 18th. Other features the app includes are Lost Pet Reporting, Live Search for Lost Pets Database, and a Last Seen Location for lost pets. The biggest benefit of the technology is as more pet owners use the app, the larger network of users on the social GPS system. Whether you lose your pet after he runs away during a thunderstorm or if she slipped through the gates of the dog park, with a wide community of DOTT users, the potential for your pet to be found faster and kept safe within a network of dog lovers can give you peace of mind. Donate to the Kickstarter campaign or pre-order your pet’s DOTT so you can ensure the safety of your pet.