Sony Launching Noise-Cancelling Headphones in December

Sony - Clapway

Sony is releasing their newest product, noise-cancelling headphones, and this one allows users to listen to the music on the PS4 with noise-reduction, uninterrupted audio every time. Sony has announced this item will be available in various countries in the beginning of December, but there has been no announcement of when they will be released in North America.

Sony  - Clapway


Sony just cannot seem to stay out of the news lately as they seem to be making and releasing new products left and right. It has been reported by Sony in their blog that these new headphones will use AudioShield noise-reducing technology. Users will be able to not only use these headphones on just their PS4, but Sony also said that they will also be compatible with tablets and smartphones. Sony stated that because of the noise-reducing technology used in their headphones the battery inside must be re-charged to keep working. There will be a cable inside the box to allow users to charge it, however it is said by Sony that the battery for the headphones has 15 hours of battery life which should provide plenty of time for users. The cable will reportedly need to be plugged directly into a DualShock PS4 controller for it to work on the PS4 and, as mentioned previously, it can be plugged into tablets and smartphones.


The price for these headphones in North America is unknown at the time, but according to Sony the price for them in the United Kingdom is 78 British pounds. The conversion for U.S. dollars between British pounds is 1 pound to 1.51 dollars. So the cost can be assumed to be over 100 U.S. dollars, but that is just an estimation. These headphones do appear to be really convenient as it would seem to add to the ultimate gaming experience, but wouldn’t a surround sound system be better? This is just a thought, but playing video games with the speakers blaring around you to me is the ultimate gaming experience. Obviously not everyone is going to agree with me, but that is cool because if you do not then these headphones just might be the ticket for you. The price might end up being a pretty penny, but these headphones might just be worth it if it is what you are looking for.