Mad Max is More Depressing than Fallout 4

Fallout 4 has been out for a week, and with Mad Max also on the 2015 video game roster, the to EA games are helplessly compared. The thing is that while Mad Max has a lot more on its plate than Fallout 4; Fallout 4 remains a better Game of the Year Contender.

The Pluses on Mad Max’s Side

Mad Max is arguably one of the most fun open world games of the year. The design is fitting of Avalanche, Mad Max’s developer. Mad Max’s post-apocalyptic setting is also decent combat play is decent, driving mechanics are enjoyable and graphics are very good looking.

A lot of Mad Max is about driving around a wasteland, so there isn’t that much to be seen, so by just having a solid driving experience and combat sequences, the game is a very decent.

On the Same Note, Mad Max is Depressing and Repetitive

Fallout 4 fans are hoping there isn’t any driving involved in Fallout 4, which Mad Max banks on throughout most of the game. Mad Max lacks engagement, there’s little to interact with

In terms of negatives, Mad Max suffers from something that we all hope Fallout 4 avoids; repetition. While its open world is beautiful and extremely vast, driving from location to location can often see you venturing through miles of nothing. I understand that we’re talking about a post-apocalyptic desert here, but a lot of Mad Max’s map has nothing for you to engage with.

10. Mad Max - Clapway4

Games Are Hoping Gameplay and Combat are Equally Enjoyable

Despite the similarities and differences between both games, gamers are hoping for solid graphics and enjoyable combat, which is all they can ask for. As for Game of the Year, Fallout 4 is a solid pick, but there are other games like the new Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to consider.