Global Warming: America is Scared, it’s Official

Global Warming: America is Scared, it’s Official Clapway

A recent poll from research based company Gallup has revealed that Americans are finally taking global warming seriously. Despite the constant barrage of warnings from intelligent scientists and high-ranking officials, America hasn’t played an active role in changing their thought process. Hopefully, that is due to change. The survey found that concerns over the climate haven’t been this high in eight years.


The survey took a group of 1,1019 diverse, adult Americans aged 18 years and up.  By way of a telephone interview, these individuals were asked a set of question in regard to their opinion on global warming. Generally, the results showed that the percentage of those worried rose from 55 percent in 2015 to 64 percent this year. Among other highlights, there was an increase in the number of Americans who think the impact of global warming has already begun. 55 percent represent this number while 31 percent think the impacts, while not present, will soon be felt. One downward trend, however, was reported. That being the percentage who believe climate change will never happen. Only 10 percent are among that category. Down from 16 percent last year.


It’s not fair to solely blame America for their ignorance all these years. After all, there have been countless studies and advocacy groups publishing wrong information to the public. Now, it is no longer just a matter of information that America can trust. They are seeing the results first hand. One of the major factors for their growing beliefs in global warming is the seven wears of marked warm weather during winter. Suffice to say, even America isn’t dumb enough to realize that a warm winter trend is not just a coincidence. If this trend is to continue as expected, this will only raise public concerns further.


Sadly, it’s not the opinions of scientists and politicians that America will listen to. It’s going to take a few more years of the global warming trend for more citizens to buy into this “theory”. Fortunately, it seems some unification is in the works. Regardless of political party, all groups show a trend in rising concerns for climate change. The Democrats lead with 78 rates of increased interest but others are rapidly following suit.