Apple may be that suave popular kid in class, but deep inside, they’re a depressing wreck that is being destroyed by the outside forces of society. Meanwhile, that fat, mean, redneck kid Walmart is the one bathing in the rays of success. What kind of sick world is this? It’s pretty close to the one we all live in and we have the FBI to thank for it.
This reality is far from how any high school operates. In reality, even the popular kid can get bullied to death. In this case, we see Apple undergoing constant harassment from the FBI to change their ways. It started out as all bullying does. A playful push. This push is a test. It’s a challenge. Apple took the challenge and the FBI continued to push back, harder and harder each time. Apple is simply trying to protect the information of their users. The government, on the other hand, is making it look like the reincarnation of Satan himself. While the government is handling this situation in an intense fashion, their snooping ways are all but unique.
Last year, Walmart was subject to similar bullying from the Department of Justice.They and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) were deep in a multi-year investigation due to bribery corruption at Walmart. Despite the nagging and slight annoyance, the company hardly received the same type of attention as the recent FBI and Apple case. In fact, the SEC not only failed to bring the investigation to a close, but they are protecting Walmart at the same time. Walmart is involved in all kinds of foreign corrupt actions, yet their willingness to “cooperate” is letting them off easy.
What the FBI thinks “cooperation” is probably much different than what the average American thinks. Whatever information they are getting from the folks that run the big box store is apparently enough to satisfy them. Meanwhile, Tim Cook is simply trying to do the right thing and gets crucified for it. The government’s message is clear. Do what we tell you to do or die fighting us.