Chris Brown Makes Twitter Go Suicidal

Chris Brown Makes Twitter Go Suicidal Clapway

If you didn’t think Chris Brown was asinine before, then you seriously need to check out his newest tweet. On March 29th, 2016, Chris Brown somehow managed to lower his own bar. On Twitter, he sent out a tweet regarding the subject of suicide. The issue with his tweet, though, was that it was ignorant and he clearly was speaking out of his you know what.


Due to the language, Chris Brown used on Twitter, I will not repeat his full tweet. To sum it up, though, he mentions that there is no attempting suicide and the people who do it only do it for sympathy. This is clearly a generalization, and everyone knows Chris Brown shouldn’t have said it. Whether or not he truly believes this is irrelevant because it was unnecessary. This is one of the biggest issues with Twitter because celebrities are free to speak their minds, and some of them have no shame. However, Chris Brown needs to be aware of how serious suicide is.


I know Chris Brown is not reading this article, but if he was then he should pay attention. Per the Centers for Disease Control, CDC, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. The CDC also estimated that around every 12.3 minutes someone in the United States kills themselves. Depression, which can often times be a cause of suicide, will affect around 25 percent of all people who are 18+ years old in any given year, according to the CDC. One last alarming statistic from the CDC is every year around 38,000 Americans will kill themselves. So, I wonder if Mr. Brown understands how serious this is. Again, even if he believes in his heart of hearts that people commit suicide for self-satisfaction he shouldn’t have sent this tweet out on Twitter due to the devastation of suicide.