Russia and China to Populate the Moon; is NASA scared?

Russia and China to Populate the Moon; is NASA scared? Clapway

Two of the world’s dominating forces are in cahoots with space technology. China wants to offer Russia the tech to create radiation-resistant electronic equipment. In return, they want technology to build liquid rocket engines. Are the two looking to explore the moon together and should NASA even care?


China and Russia have always had their secrets, but this time, it’s getting spatial. According to a source at the Russian Space Agency Roskosmos, The Chinese want to get oxygen-kerosene rocket engines as well as the technology for production. In return, they will offer the Russians a technology for radiation-resistant space equipment. Seeing as the Russians are developing nuclear rockets, this may just come in handy. However, they think they are getting shafted on the bargain side of things.


Once again Russia is aiming for the moon. With the addition of this technology from China, perhaps they will be able to start their moon colony before the proposed 2030 date. This space race for Russia is yet again, quite significant. If they can get up to the moon, it will serve as a major moral boost for a struggling Russian space program. Besides that, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is trying to take attention off his potential involvement in the Panama Papers scandal. If they can regain their strength, then they can once again join the ranks of NASA as the top space explorers of the world.


According to NASA, China and the Russian’s can take all the lunar trips they want. NASA has much bigger objectives on their hand. Oddly enough, some of the biggest challenges the space agency is facing are due to ignorance here on earth. While they should be focusing on space exploration, NASA has come under attack from climate change deniers. They’ve been effective at putting them down, but should they really be wasting their time? This is an important year for the agency and space exploration on the whole. New discoveries are being made daily about the mysteries of our universe and people are still arguing whether climate change is real. So go ahead Putin and China, the moon is yours to take.