Deadly Terror Plot Averted By Terrorist Himself

If only all terror plots went this way. In a lucky turn of events, the terrorist in this deadly terror plot, an Algerian national living in Paris, was forced to call the ambulance when he accidentally shot himself in the leg. His intent to execute a deadly terror plot was revealed when Police found guns with ammunition in a car parked nearby and written plans about the imminent attack.

A Syrian Connect Possible in this Deadly Terror Plot?

The 24-year-old Computer Science student seems to have been guided by someone from Syria, according to a statement by Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins. Even more arms and ammunition including three Kalashnikov rifles were found in his house in Southern Paris. Molins also confirmed that instructions called for a church to be targeted. The recent attacks on a Jewish supermarket have kept the country at high alert but this is the first time a deadly terror plot  has involved a church. French Interior minister Bernard Cazaneuve also confirmed that there was clear paper evidence that spoke of plans to attack one or more churches. This incident is likely to increase surveillance of those who travel frequently from Islamist nations across French borders.

Terrorist Linked to Murder Earlier this Week

Ballistic clues connecting a seemingly random shooting of French lady, Aurelie Chatelain who was found dead in her car in the early hours of this past Sunday was also found and confirmed links with today’s deadly terror plot suspect. Interestingly, the suspect was also being watched since he had evinced interest in traveling to Syria. Of course, that alone was not enough to put him under stricter surveillance.

Deadly Terror Plot Precedes Meeting on Online Surveillance

Officials from Internet giants like Google, Twitter among others were scheduled to meet with the French Interior minister Cazaneuve before details of this deadly terror plot came to light. It remains to be seen if this incident will have any effect on the proceedings of the meeting and its conclusions. France remains in a state of high alert after the recent Charlie Hebdo shooting wherein 11 people were killed and a further 11 injured when two Al Qaeda terrorists forced their way into the office of the French satirical newspaper and opened fire.

Events like these make international travel stricter and flight patterns are wont to rise and fall. If you’re still traveling, it wouldn’t hurt to watch this video to prepare for the “5 types of people you’ll meet on a flight.”: