The fact that over the past 20 years sea level has risen more than it did during the entire 20th century has caused many to be concerned about the future of the world if it continues to happen. Surely, coastal towns have notice the rising sea levels, but what is causing this increase in the rate of rise and what can be done to slow it down? Nature Climate Change recently posted a study that compared the satellite records of sea levels from 1993 to 2014 to records of tide gauges and found that over the years there have been rapidly rising sea levels.
Not only was the rate of the rise confirmed, but thanks to this study, errors were corrected about what is really going on with the rising sea levels. Past studies overestimated the rate of the rising sea levels for a period of the study, mostly between 1993 to 1999. This overestimate distorted data that was to follow in later years, which is why it needed to be corrected. The cause for this inaccurate measurement is not yet known, but it is suspected that some of the electronics were degraded in the first satellite, Topex Poseidon.
What is causing the sea level to rise?
Rising sea levels are affected by the amount of greenhouse gases in the air. These gases cause an increase in Earth’s temperature, which expand ocean water by melting glaciers and ice caps. Over the years, portions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have melted and flowed into the ocean.
Rising seal levels will continue to be an issue until people fully realize the threat. The key to slowing down the rate of rising is to significantly reduce annual emissions, but if this does not happen, the water will continue to rise at an accelerated rate and eventually start to flood and damage coastal cities.
With the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimating rising sea levels to hit 98 centimetres by 2100, it is important that changes be made now to prevent the devastating results that are sure to come if nothing is done.