Wikipedia is an incredibly popular tool that several people use regularly to find out information. For a while, it had the less than stellar reputation of not being completely accurate, however, one can now pretty easily differentiate the legitimate information from the fabrications. Especially since there are clear areas where sources have been cited.
The Art of Wikipedia
Wikipedia is a free information site that works off of donations. Occasionally, you will see a yellow notification bar at the top of page reminding visitors to the site that the only way they stay free for everyone is by receiving said donations. You can find all kinds of information on the site, from dates and times of events to the secret lifestyles of certain historical figures. Wikipedia can really be a great tool when researching certain information.
Giving Back
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales announced the United States launch of a new mobile network, The People’s Operator. According to Forbes, this network will donate 20 percent of its profits, and 10 percent of customer’s monthly bills, to a number of charities at no extra cost to customers.
In 2012, Wales launched this same network in the United Kingdom and has donated to hundreds of charities there, including The Trussell Trust, Emerge Poverty Free and the British Heart Foundation. He also announced a few partnerships with several causes that the U.S. TPO will be donating to, including Save the Children, the Wounded Warrior Project and the World Wildlife Foundation, to name a few. These aren’t the only charities available for customers do donate to, however, they will have the option of donating to any certified charity they see fit.
The People’s Operator
In an open letter to customers on The People’s Operator official website, Wales explains the concept as one where the company spends your money on things you care about, rather than on advertising. They expect the news of this new mobile network to be spread via word of mouth, like most things are these days, and have even created their own social networking platform to accompany the mobile network. Wales is hoping that this new network and all it’s moving parts will become a massive competitor in the mobile industry.
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